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(k.) Shodan Black Belt

Requirements for Shodan Black Belt


Bassai Dai

UFAF Basic Form 2 Advanced


Any combination asked

Strikes & Kicks (See Bottom)

Questions & Answers

What does getting your black belt mean to you?

What are your goals after black belt?

*Kyu 8 & Above:

  • Must follow up with counter attack

  • De-escalation techniques from "What are you looking at?" and non-verbal aggression

  • Demonstrate escaping safely


Anything Black Belt Requests

Anything they wish to present

(Kyu 4 & Above: Must show threat level one responses to attacks)


Any combination asked


  • Inside Ridge Hand

  • Outside Ridge Hand

  • Uppercut

  • Half Punch

  • Vertical Spear Hand

  • Horizontal Spear Hand

  • Vertical Elbow Strike

  • Horizontal Elbow Strike

  • Three Zone Strike

  • Finger-eye rake

  • Thumb Strike

  • Palm-heel Strike

  • Tiger Claw

  • Center Punch

  • Back Fist

  • Cupped Hands to the Ears

  • Knife Hand Chop


  • Front Kick

  • Side Kick

  • Round Kick

  • Inside Crescent

  • Outside Crescent

  • Jumping Front Kick

  • Fake Jumping Front Kick

  • Hook Kick

  • Knee strike

  • Double Round Kick

  • Leg Sweep

  • Back Kick

  • Ax Kick

  • Spining Heel Kick

  • Spinning Side Kick



  • Good manners

  • Have Restraint

  • Be true to one's self

  • Patient

  • Cautious

  • Engaged in class and with others

  • Pay attention to details

  • Respectful

  • Positive Attitude

  • Ethical

  • Excellent Communication

  • No ego

  • Knowledge and understanding of dojo requirements and the fighting mind

  • Never give up on students

  • Have a passion for martial arts

Leadership in Teaching Others:

  • Must be able to explain techniques, their function, show, and walk through

  • Plan lessons in advance

  • Be mindful of terminology and language

  • Able to attempt instruction to students with and without limitations

Basic strikes, kicks, defenses and stances:

  • How to execute

  • Targets for each

  • How to explain

  • Showing control with partners

  • How to generate power

Precise knowledge of kata:

  • Applying at least two concepts from kata into various situations

One Steps:

  • Know and understand the process

  • How to execute

  • Targeting and stances

  • Proper communication with partner


  • Use your voice

  • De-escalation

  • Recognize simple threats - both verbal and nonverbal

  • Defense from attacks

  • Learn how to keep distance

  • Legalities of self-defense

  • Other variables of who, what, when, where, why and how

  • Defense and offense weapons use

  • Basic stand up and ground grappling

  • Knowledge of and proficient in various forms of combat (short, medium and long ranges; standing and ground fighting)


  • Keeping guard up

  • Blocking and striking simultaneously

  • Basic footwork (shuffling, lunging, stepping and cross stepping)

  • All types of ranges

  • How to combine techniques and execute as accurately as possible

Knowledge of testing and how to grade

Demonstrate proper use of force

Basic knowledge of locks, throws and sticky hands

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